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TOEFL iBT Writing Section: 「Compare the advantages and disadvantages」 タイプの問題


この記事は、2023年7月25日以前のTOEFL iBT Independent Writing task の対策を扱っています。特に、「Compare the advantages and disadvantages」というタイプの問題のエッセイの書き方を説明しています。

現在の TOEFL iBT Question 2 (Writing for an Academic Discussion) の対策については、こちらをご覧ください。

Writing Section 全体についての情報はこちらを。


ここでは例題として ETS 公式対策本The Official Guide to the TOEFL iBT Testに含まれている練習問題の1つを使います。


The government has announced that it plans to build a new university. Some people think that your community would be a good place to locate the university. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of establishing a new university in your community. Use specific details in your discussion.





Univ. in local community

Greater pros than cons

– local economic growth

       create many jobs

       teachers, office workers, librarians

       large customer base

– local tax revenue

       income tax

       corporate tax

       consumption tax

– culturally diverse, vibrant

       many young people

       diverse people

       different backgrounds and abilities

– drawbacks to be considered

       pressure on housing

       strain on transportation

       environmental concerns




The introduction: 導入


Although there might be some disadvantages to having a new university built in the local community, the advantages would far outweigh them.


The first body paragraph: メリットを説明する


One argument in favor is that establishing a new university would contribute to local economic growth. It would create many jobs in the community. Initially, those jobs would be in the construction industry. Later, the university would employ a great number of people, including teachers, office workers, technicians, and librarians. Those employees as well as the university’s students would provide local businesses with a large customer base. Another positive aspect is that a new university would lead to an increase in local tax revenues. For one thing,  there would be more people in the community who would pay income tax. For another, growing prosperity would result in local businesses paying more corporate tax. Thus, a thriving local economy would enable  the local government to provide better services. A further benefit is that, not only would the community be more economically prosperous, but it would also become culturally diverse, vibrant, and attractive. The university would bring many young people to the community—diverse people from different parts of the country and from abroad. They would have different backgrounds, interests, and abilities. The university would bring cultural vibrancy to the community, which would have a more educated and aspiring population.


The second body paragraph: デメリットを説明する


It is true that there are drawbacks that should be considered. One is that a new university might put pressure on private housing, potentially pushing up rents in the community and making it hard for people to find affordable housing. Another negative aspect is that an increased population would lead to a strain on the transportation system, resulting in congested roads and streets and crowded buses and trains. One other point is the need to address environmental concerns such as energy consumption and waste management. However, these challenges could all be addressed through effective policies.


The conclusion: 結論

この記事で扱っているタイプの問題のレスポンスに関しては、何らかの結論を入れたほうが良いでしょう。例えば、次のような締めくくり方が可能です。ここでは、relatively minor という表現によって、デメリットがさほど重要ではないという印象を与えます。

On balance, then, I believe that the benefits would more than outweigh the relatively minor disadvantages, none of which would be insurmountable.


レスポンスの基本形 —「Compare the advantages and disadvantages」 タイプの問題

上で示した答え方(レスポンスの書き方)のサンプルの中で赤い下線を引いた部分は、「Compare the advantages and disadvantages」 タイプの問題であれば、どのようなテーマが扱われたとしても使えるフレーズですので、下にまとめます。


  • Although there might be some disadvantages  to _____________________, the  advantages  would far outweigh them.
  • One argument in favor is that_____________________.
  • Another positive aspect is that _____________________.
  • A further benefit is that___________________________.
  • It is true that there are drawbacks that should be considered.
  • One is that______________________.
  • Another negative aspect is that _________________________________.
  • One other point is _______________.
  • However, these challenges {issues} _______________.

  • On balance, then, I believe that the benefits would more than  outweigh the relatively minor disadvantages, none of which would  be insurmountable.

Question 2 対策全体を扱っている記事の最後に、レスポンスを書くときに便利な表現をいくつかあげているので参考にしてください。

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★ ところで、TOEFL 必須語彙のおすすめ教材をこちらで紹介しています。ご覧ください。7
