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TOEFL iBT Speaking Section: Question 1 得点アップ


TOEFL iBT Speaking Section Question 1 は、2つの選択肢からどちらかを選んで、その理由を英語でしゃべるっていうことだけど、コツはあるの?対策はどうしたらいいんだろう?


Speaking Section 全般についての記事はこちらを、全4問の概要表はこちらを、Question 1 以外の Question に焦点を絞った対策は個別の記事をご覧くださいQ2Q3Q4

Speaking Section Question 1 の概要

リーディングやリスニングは含まず、自分自身が持っている知識や情報や経験だけを基にしてレスポンス(解答)を話すことを求める形式の問題です。いわゆる「independent task」という部類の問題です。一般的なトピックに関する問題が出ます。





もう少し詳しく言うと、2つの行動、状況、意見などで、具体的には、例えば、自宅で勉強するのか図書館で勉強するのか、大学では幅広い分野の勉強をすべきなのか限られた分野に集中すべきなのか、学生は大学寮に住むべきかアパートなどに住むべきか、テレビは人類に有益か有害か、等です(ETS の『The Official Guide to the TOEFL iBT Test』を参照)。

問題例を2つ ETS が提供している資料から引用します。

Some people think it is more fun to spend time with friends in restaurants or cafés. Others think it is more fun to spend time with friends at home. Which do you think is better? Explain why.

(ETSVideo Libraryに掲載の対策ビデオ)

Some students study for classes individually. Others study in groups. Which method of studying do you think is better for students and why?

(『The Official Guide to the TOEFL iBT Test』に掲載)

以上が Question 1 の概要です。



Question 1 のレスポンスの構成についてですが、「導入、本論、結論が無いと得点は低い」という事はありません。ETS の採点基準には、そんな事は書いてありません。ETS Video Library に掲載の対策ビデオでも、このようにしゃべっています

It’s not necessary to organize your response into an introduction, a middle and a conclusion like you would with a written essay. Just speak naturally and use common connecting words. Some of those are: “because,” “so,” “after that,” “on the other hand,” “I also want to mention,” and “what this means is.”







  1. 質問の要求に応える。
  2. 自分の意見を明確に話す。与えられた2つの選択肢のうち自分ならどちらかを選ぶのか。
  3. 自分の意見に説得力を待たせるための根拠(理由や具体例)を話す。
  4. レスポンス全体が首尾一貫して論理的であるように話す。



その意見は、根拠や裏付けが無いと説得力に欠けます。聞き手を納得させるために、例えば、意見の理由や具体例や個人体験を話しましょう。Speaking Section の概要の記事で確認したように 5W1H を念頭において、なるべく具体的な内容を話しましょう。




Question 1 では、一般的な話題について2つの対立する立場・意見が示され、受験者は2つのうちのどちらかを選んで、それを支持する理由や具体例をしゃべるという形ですね。

もしQuestion 1 が難しそうだなと感じたら、ネット検索を利用して、この種の議論はどの様に展開すれば説得力を持つのかを探るという対策もできます。難しく感じる主な理由の一つは、立場や意見を支持するための理由や具体例などが思いつかないということかも知れませんね。

Question 1 で取り上げられる話題は、一般的に広く議論されている話題です。練習問題などで使われている話題をネット検索すればそういった話題を様々な立場から議論しているサイトがたくさんヒットするでしょう。

一例を考えてみると、「学生は大学寮に住むべきか街のアパートに住むべきか」という話題も、Question 1  で取り上げられるかもしれない話題です。次のような問題が出るかもしれませんね。

Some students prefer to live on campus in a dormitory. Others prefer to live in an apartment or house off campus. Which do you think is better? Explain why.

寮かアパートかという話題は、実際にネットでよくお目にかかります。試しに、dormitories or apartments と検索してみてください。そしてヒットしたサイトの中で有益そうなものをいくつか読んでみましょう。議論を展開するのに必要な理由や具体例などがいくつか見られるでしょう。

同じように、Question 1 で取り上げられそうな話題をいくつか検索してみましょう。



ETSVideo Libraryに掲載の対策ビデオには、具体的なアドバイスが含まれています。












I believe. . . .

I think. . . .

It seems to me. . . .

I’d feel / say / suggest. . . .

In my opinion. . . .




One reason is that. . . .

One example is. . . .

One of the things that I . . . is

. . . because. . . . (例文:I think it’s better to live on campus because everything you need as a student is there. . . .)

自分の意見を述べた後、特に理由を示す表現やフレーズを使わずに理由を説明し始める。(例文:I think it’s better to live on campus. Everything you need as a student is on campus. For example, the library, which. . . .


The first reason is that. . . .



むしろ、上で見たように、One reason is that. . . . などの表現を使うとか、自分の意見を述べた後すぐにbecause とつなげて理由をしゃべるとか、あるいは特別な表現は使わないで、理由を話し始めましょう。



Another reason is. . . .

Also. . . .

Furthermore. . . .

Moreover. . . .

I also want to mention. . . .

Another thing I’m reminded of is. . . .

Another thing worth mentioning is. . . .


For instance, . . .

For example, . . .

Take . . . for instance

. . . is a case in point


I usually. . . .

When I was there. . . .

When I was in high school. . . .

I used to. . . .

One day I was. . . .



However / Yet / But. . . .

Nevertheless / Nonetheless, . . .

On the other hand, . . .

Contrary to. . . .

Although / Even though. . . .

Whereas. . . .

Having said that, . . .



For this reason. . . .

So this is why. . . .





それでは、どのように Question 1 のレスポンスを話せばよいのか、例題をいくつか用いて見ていきましょう。

まずは、上のSpeaking Section Question 1 の概要で例に挙げた最初の例題です。


Some people think it is more fun to spend time with friends in restaurants or cafés. Others think it is more fun to spend time with friends at home. Which do you think is better? Explain why.

(ETSVideo Libraryに掲載の対策ビデオ)



まず、 どちらの選択肢を選ぶのかをはっきりと話す。もし自宅の方が良いという意見を主張するのなら、例えば、このように。

I think it’s better to spend time with friends at home.


For me, the quality of the whole experience, including bonding and connection, is much higher at home. In restaurants and cafés, we need to lower our voices to talk about private subjects. We might get distracted by all the chatting around us. Sometimes, a waiter or waitress comes to our table, which can interrupt our conversation. When we meet at home, there is no need to worry about others.


Also, it’s more relaxing to spend time with friends at home. If we are going to a restaurant or café, we will need to be suitably dressed and behave appropriately. In my house, I can wear any comfortable clothes I like. Stretching legs and walking around is not a problem. Neither is sitting in a sofa with feet up if I’m spending time with close friends. Moreover, I can listen to my favorite music at home, which helps me relax.


It’s also cheaper to spend time with friends at home. Even if I pay for all the food and drinks, it’s very likely to cost me considerably less than going out with friends and only paying for my own meal.


(So this is why I believe it’s better to spend time with friends at home than in restaurants or cafés.)



I think it’s better to spend time with friends at home because, for me, the quality of the whole experience, including bonding and connection, is much higher at home



ここで、ETSVideo Libraryに掲載の対策ビデオに含まれているサンプル・レスポンスを聞いてみましょう4:13からプリゼンターによる紹介)。これは、4点満点を獲得したレスポンスです。スクリプトは次の通りです。

I actually spend time with my friends in restaurants and cafés, almost never at home because my apartment is very small and there is just almost nothing to do. On the outside and café and restaurants, it’s much more — there are more people. The atmosphere is usually good. Maybe there’s some music playing. Usually we meet to discuss things and meet other people and meet people we do not know, possibly. There’s always a chance to get to know someone and it’s always exciting. For me, it’s much more exciting than just staying at home in the environment that I know and am familiar with. I think that’s boring.

(ETSVideo Libraryに掲載の対策ビデオ)



次の例題も、上のSpeaking Section Question 1の概要で例に挙げたものです。


Some students study for classes individually. Others study in groups. Which method of studying do you think is better for students and why?

(『The Official Guide to the TOEFL iBT Test』に掲載)


まず、 どちらの選択肢を選ぶのかをはっきりと話す。もし一人で勉強するほうが良いという意見を主張するのなら、例えばこのように。

I think it’s better to study individually.


When students study on their own, they have control over their study schedule. They can study when they are most efficient. Some may work better at night, but others may work better early in the morning. Studying alone means that students can choose when to study and for how long, as well as when to take breaks. If students study in groups, they need to organize a schedule that works for everyone and that may not be most effective for individual students.


Studying alone also means that they can study in an environment that works best for them. Some students want to study in a public space, such as a library, where there are many people around them. Others prefer to study in their own rooms, with some soft music on. When students study individually, they can ensure that their study environment is most effective.


(So this is why I believe it’s better to study alone.)



Some students prefer to live on campus in a dormitory. Others prefer to live in an apartment or house off campus. Which do you think is better? Explain why.


与えられた選択肢のどちらが良いと思うか述べるとともに、理由を述べる(下は because を使った解答例)。もし大学寮のほうが良いという意見を主張するのなら、例えば、このように。

I believe it is better for students to live in dormitories on campus because it is convenient. Going to class is just a matter of walking to another building on campus. The library, which is very important for students, is easy to access, as well. Students don’t have to catch a bus or drive half an hour to borrow a library book. They can also find all the necessary amenities within a short walking distance because there is usually a grocery store, a bank, a gym, a health center, etc. on campus. In addition, most universities offer a campus meal plan, which makes it unnecessary for students to cook their own meals. This means they have more time to study, pursue other activities, or relax.


Moreover, living on campus gives a sense of community and security. Students can meet people and make friends more easily on campus. This can be very important especially for first-year students, who are new to the university. It is helpful to have friends who are going through the same challenges, such as living alone for the first time, and to be able to share ideas and experiences together. In addition, most campuses have 24 hour on-call security personnel, who are trained to ensure everybody is safe.


(So for these reasons, I think it is better to live on campus.)


State whether you agree or disagree with the following statement. Then explain your reasons, using specific details in your explanation.

Learning through online courses is more effective than learning in the traditional classroom setting.”

(ETS Free Practice Test)



I agree with this statement because learning online takes away the burden of commuting and saves students time, energy, and money. Online learners can concentrate more on studying as they don’t have to physically go to the classroom and back. They can use the money saved by not paying for gasoline or public transportation to purchase books and other study materials that help make learning more effective and enjoyable.


There is also less pressure. The traditional classroom setting usually creates a competitive environment, but some students don’t handle the pressure well. I personally know some students who are suffering from stress and anxiety as a result of the pressure associated with school. It seems to me that students who are refusing to attend school are often doing so because of mental health issues related to the pressure of school. Online courses can mitigate this problem.


(So this is why I agree with the statement.)

以上が、Speaking Section: Question 1 得点アップの方法です。

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★ ところで、TOEFL 必須語彙のおすすめ教材をこちらで紹介しています。ご覧ください。
