Japan, Indonesia seek to improve Myanmar situation
By MARI YAMAGUCHI March 29, 2021
TOKYO (AP) — Japanese Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi denounced Myanmar’s escalating crackdown on pro-democracy protests in talks Monday with his Indonesian counterpart, who is visiting Tokyo for security discussions focusing on China’s growing assertiveness in regional seas.(第1段落)
Motegi “strongly criticized” the growing military crackdown on civilian protesters in Myanmar, and welcomed efforts by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations to respond to it, his ministry said in a statement.(第2段落)
Motegi and Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi, who have discussed the Myanmar situation twice by phone since the Feb. 1 military coup in that country, agreed Monday to cooperate closely to improve the situation there, the ministry said.(第3段落)
The military government’s violent crackdown has escalated in recent days. At least 114 people, including several children, were killed by security forces on Saturday alone. The toll prompted a U.N. human rights expert to accuse the junta of committing “mass murder” and criticize the international community for not doing enough to stop it.(第4段落)
Japan has not joined the United States and some other Western nations in imposing sanctions on Myanmar, but has stepped up verbal protests.(第5段落)
(2)その下の「By MARI YAMAGUCHI」はこの記事を執筆した記者の名前です。ニュース記事は、このように記者名が記載されているものもありますが、記載されていない場合もあります。
(3)「March 29, 2021」はこのニュース記事の配信日ですね。
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「(AP)」は記事を配信した報道機関の名前です。「AP」は「Associated Press」(AP通信)の略です。掲載先の新聞やウェブサイトによっては、略せずに「Associated Press」と表記しています(例えば『US News & World Report』)。頻出の報道機関名はこの「AP」のほかに「Reuters」、「Bloomberg」、「AFP」、「CNN」などがあります。日本の通信社としては「Kyodo」と「Jiji」が良く知られています。
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逆ピラミッド型(inverted pyramid style)
前回の投稿で、見出しを読めたら記事の半分を読めたのも同然で、本文の最初の部分にあるリードを読めたら全体内容をほぼ把握できたようなものだと書きました。リードには5W1Hの基本情報が原則として盛り込まれるからです。(リードが5W1H型リードではなく逸話的なリードである場合は、リードの後にある「nut graph」に記事の要旨が書かれています。)
実際のところ、記事全体のエッセンスが本文の冒頭、あるいは冒頭に近い部分に、書かれています。つまり最も重要な情報が記事の最初の方に書いてあるのです。そして、記事を読み進めていくと書かれている内容の重要度は次第に下がるという形です。この記事構造は「逆ピラミッド型(inverted pyramid style)」と呼ばれます。

Japanese Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi denounced Myanmar’s escalating crackdown on pro-democracy protests in talks Monday with his Indonesian counterpart, who is visiting Tokyo for security discussions focusing on China’s growing assertiveness in regional seas.(第1段落)
5W1H型リード — その直後
Tokyo governor says city to end sales of gasoline-only cars by 2030: Jiji
TOKYO (Reuters) – Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike said the Japanese capital plans to end the sales of gasoline-only powered cars by 2030, Jiji news agency reported on Tuesday.
The move comes after media reported last week that Japan may ban sales of new gasoline-engine cars by the mid-2030s in favour of hybrid or electric vehicles.(Reuters 2020年12月8日)
東京(ロイター) – 東京都の小池百合子知事は、ガソリンのみで走る乗用車の都内での販売を2030年までに終了する計画であると述べた。火曜日に時事通信社が報じた。
Azerbaijan’s parliament approves martial law, curfews: president’s aide
BAKU (Reuters) – Azerbaijan’s parliament approved the introduction of martial law across the country and imposed curfews on Sunday, Hikmet Hajiyev, an aide to the president, said.
The moves come after clashes on Sunday morning between Azeri and Armenian forces over the breakaway province of Nagorno-Karabakh, which is inside Azerbaijan but run by ethnic Armenians.
The clashes have reignited concerns about instability in the South Caucasus, a corridor for pipelines transporting oil and gas to world markets.(Reuters 2020年9月27日)
バクー(ロイター) — アゼルバイジャンの議会は、戒厳令の全国での導入を承認し夜間外出禁止令を発令したと、ヒクメット・ハジエフ大統領補佐官が述べた。
5W1H型リード — 詳細情報の次
Biden eyes $3T package for infrastructure, schools, families
WASHINGTON (AP) — Fresh off passage of the COVID-19 relief bill, President Joe Biden is assembling the next big White House priority, a sweeping $3 trillion package of investments on infrastructure and domestic needs.
Biden huddled privately late Monday with Senate Democrats as Congress has already begun laying the groundwork with legislation for developing roads, hospitals and green energy systems as part of Biden’s “Build Back Better” campaign promise. Much like the $1.9 trillion virus rescue plan signed into law earlier this month, the new package would also include family-friendly policies, this time focusing on education and paid family leave.
The White House plans are still preliminary, with a combined $3 trillion in spending proposed to boost the economy and improve quality of life, according to a person familiar with the options who insisted on anonymity to discuss private conversations.
While the goal is a bipartisan package, Democrats in Congress have signaled a willingness to go it alone if they are blocked by Republicans.
“We need to get it done,” said Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., ahead of the virtual meeting with Biden at the senators’ annual retreat Monday evening.
Biden’s outreach to Senate Democrats comes as the White House is under fire for its handling of the U.S.-Mexico border. Migrant crossings are skyrocketing, with images of cramped holding facilities posing a humanitarian and political dilemma for the administration and its allies in Congress. The focus on infrastructure shifts attention back toward priorities that are potentially more popular with Americans and potentially bipartisan.(AP 2021年3月22日)
Fire guts hundreds of shelters in Rohingya refugee camp
COX’S BAZAR, Bangladesh (AP) — A devastating fire raced through a sprawling Rohingya refugee camp in southern Bangladesh on Monday, destroying hundreds of shelters and leaving thousands homeless, officials and witnesses said.
The fire at Balukhali camp in Cox’s Bazar district broke out in the late afternoon and spread quickly through at least four blocks, said Mohammad Shamsud Douza, additional commissioner of the government’s Refugee, Relief and Repatriation Commission. He said at least four units of firefighters were struggling to control the blaze due to its rapid spread.
Louise Donovan, a spokeswoman for the U.N. refugee agency, said in an email that fire services, rescue and response teams and volunteers were at the scene.
“So far the fire has affected shelters, health centers, distribution points and other facilities. Volunteers are supporting those affected,” she said.
No casualties were immediately reported, but deaths and injuries were feared. No details on the missing could be confirmed. Two Rohingya refugees told The Associated Press at the scene that the fire had spread very quickly and continued to rage into the night Monday.
Several videos posted on social media showed clouds of smoke billowing from the camp.
Bangladesh has sheltered more than a million Rohingya Muslims, the vast majority having fled Myanmar in 2017 in a major crackdown by Myanmar’s military. The U.N. has said the crackdown had a genocidal intent, a charge Myanmar rejects.
Bangladesh has hosted the refugees in crowded refugee camps and is eager to begin sending them back to Buddhist-majority Myanmar. Several attempts at repatriation under a joint agreement failed because the Rohingya refused to go, fearing more violence in a country that denies them basic rights including citizenship.
In January, another fire destroyed hundreds of shanty-like homes in the camp, leaving thousands without shelter.(AP 2021-03-21)
逸話的なリード — リード&nut graphの直後
次に、リードが伝統的な5W1H型のニュース記事リードではなく逸話的なリードである場合は、リードの後に記事の要旨をまとめた「nut graph」が来ます(逸話的なリードとnut graphについてはこちらをご覧ください)。したがって、周辺事情(背景)を説明する部分は、その後に書かれるということになります。1例として、前回の投稿で使ったブラジルの新型コロナ事情に関する記事を引用します。
第1段落は逸話的なリードで、第2~第3段落は nut graph です。第4段落が周辺事情(背景)を説明する部分です。マーカー下線を引きます。
In Brazil, moms are bearing the brunt of pandemic’s blow
RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — When Sao Paulo city officials put out a call last month for 4,500 public school cleaning jobs, targeting Brazilian mothers affected by the raging pandemic, they were unprepared for the ensuing tsunami. More than 90,000 women applied in just two days. (第1段落)
“It exceeded our expectations, by far,” said Armando Junior, who helped create the initiative, aimed at trying to alleviate skyrocketing unemployment among women and helping schools comply with new COVID-19 protocols for keeping classrooms hygienic and taking students’ temperatures. (第2段落)
The overwhelming response offers a glimpse at how Brazilian women — particularly mothers — have been disproportionally sidelined by the crisis. Worldwide, as schools remain closed, many mothers juggle fewer work hours with homeschooling and household duties. Others put their careers on hold entirely, or were laid off. (第3段落)
Brazil is battling a brutal resurgence in COVID-19 cases, making it one of the hardest-hit countries in the world. Latin America’s largest nation accounts for less than 3% of the global population, but with an average of 2,400 deaths each day, it accounts for a quarter of daily COVID-19 fatalities worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University data. Economists say the nation’s worsening health and economic crises are further delaying the return of women to the workforce. (第4段落)(AP 2021年3月29日)
逸話的なリード — 詳細情報の次
また、逸話的リードで始まる記事も、リードとnut graphの直後に一定程度の詳細情報が書かれた後で、周辺事情(背景)が説明されている場合もあります。一例を見ましょう。前回の投稿で第4段落まで見たコロンビアのコロナ事情についての記事です。最初から引用します。
Colombian town uses discipline, speakers to stay virus-free
CAMPOHERMOSO, Colombia (AP) — When customers enter his hardware store Nelson Avila asks them to wear a mask and wash their hands. He sprays alcohol over the bills and coins they give him before putting them in the till.(第1段落)
Avila’s shop is in Campohermoso, a town of 3,000 people in Boyaca state in the mountains of central Colombia that has no reported cases of the coronavirus. According to the Health Ministry, Campohermoso county – which consists of the town and surrounding farms and villages – is one of just two counties in the country that are COVID-19-free. Colombia has more than 1,100 counties. (第2段落)
“Those bills can carry the virus” said Avila, 49, as he disinfects a wad of wrinkled Colombian pesos. “They go from hand to hand, so we have to be careful.” (第3段落)
Officials and locals say the town has been able to keep the virus away thanks to the disciplined behavior of its residents and constant campaigns urging people to social distance and wear masks. (第4段落)
The town’s remote location ringed by mountains, far from major roads, has also helped it to stay coronavirus-free. It has just seven streets and six avenues laid out in a neat grid. It is nestled at the bottom of a green valley, 3300 feet (about 1,000 meters) above sea level. (第5段落)
“Campohermosos has a low population density and little contact with big cities,” said Jairo Mauricio Santoyo, the health secretary for Boyaca state. (第6段落)
Given that Colombia, with a population of about 50 million people, has reported more than 2.3 million confirmed cases of the coronavirus, many consider the lack of infections here a small miracle. (第7段落)(AP 2021年3月21日)
第1段落に逸話的リード(第3段落にその続き)、第2段落と第4段落に「nut graph」、第5~6段落に詳細情報が書かれた後で、第7段落にコロンビアのコロナ状況が説明されています。人口5千万人の国で230万人以上の感染者がいるという状況が分かると、アビラ氏の店があるカンポエルモソで感染者がゼロだということの意義が理解できます。
逸話的なリード:リード& nut graph の直後に周辺事情(背景)
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