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通訳訓練(15)Sight Translation|英日 — 2







前回に続いて、使用する原文はオバマ大統領が2016年9月20日に国連総会で行った最後のスピーチです(出典 American Rhetoric)。内容は、彼の8年間の任期中に世界全体が進歩したことを称賛する一方で、世界平和と繁栄を脅かす対立と分断の動きに対して警告を発して、分断ではなく協調の道を歩むよう呼びかけるものです。今回は第13段落から第27段落までを訳出練習します。



In order to move forward, though, we do have to acknowledge that the existing path to global integration requires a course correction. As too often, those trumpeting the benefits of globalization have ignored inequality within and among nations; have ignored the enduring appeal of ethnic and sectarian identities; have left international institutions ill-equipped, underfunded, under-resourced, in order to handle transnational challenges.

しかし、前に進むために認識しなければならないことは、世界の統合への道は軌道修正が必要だということです。 往々にして、グローバル化の恩恵を強調する人々は、国内および国家間の不平等を無視してきました。 民族的、宗派的アイデンティティの永続的な魅力も無視してきました。 また、国際機関の能力、資金、資源についても、国境を越えた課題に対処するには不十分なまま放置してきました。

(註 — 1.1つ目の文は、「しかし、前に進むためには・・・軌道修正が必要だと認識しなければなりません」のように、訳しても良いのですが、「we do have to acknowledge that the existing path」という部分にまで視点が来た時点で、まず「しかし、前に進むために認識しなければならないことは」と訳出しています。2.最後の「ill-equipped, underfunded, under-resourced, in order to handle transnational challenges」は、通常の翻訳ですと、例えば「国境を越えた課題に対処するには十分な設備がなく、資金も人材も不足している」のように訳されたりしますが、ここでは順送りで訳しています。)

And as these real problems have been neglected, alternative visions of the world have pressed forward both in the wealthiest countries and in the poorest: religious fundamentalism; the politics of ethnicity, or tribe, or sect; aggressive nationalism; a crude populism — sometimes from the far left, but more often from the far right — which seeks to restore what they believe was a better, simpler age free of outside contamination.


(註 — 最後の「seeks to restore what they believe was a better, simpler age free of outside contamination」には、サイトラ訳例にある「排除する」に相当するような動詞は含まれていませんが、順送り訳方式で「より良い時代、より単純な時代を復活させて」と訳してきたあと、残りの「free of outside contamination」を訳出する際に思いついたのが「外部からの悪影響を排除する」という日本語でした。)

We cannot dismiss these visions. They are powerful. They reflect dissatisfaction among too many of our citizens. I do not believe those visions can deliver security or prosperity over the long term, but I do believe that these visions fail to recognize, at a very basic level, our common humanity. Moreover, I believe that the acceleration of travel and technology and telecommunications — together with a global economy that depends on a global supply chain – – makes it self-defeating ultimately for those who seek to reverse this progress. Today, a nation ringed by walls would only imprison itself.


So the answer cannot be a simple rejection of global integration. Instead, we must work together to make sure the benefits of such integration are broadly shared, and that the disruptions — economic, political, and cultural — that are caused by integration are squarely addressed. This is not the place for a detailed policy blueprint, but let me offer in broad strokes those areas where I believe we must do better together.


(註 — 1.2つ目の文は、「to make sure」が見えてきた時点で、まず「Instead, we must work together」までを「むしろ、協力して」と訳出しています。2.「the benefits of such integration are broadly shared」や「the disruptions — economic, political, and cultural — that are caused by integration are squarely addressed」は受動態ですが、柔軟に対応し、能動的に訳出しています。3.最後の文の「let me offer in broad strokes those areas where I believe we must do better together」は、普通の訳し方では、「私たちが協力してよりよい対応をすべきだと思う分野を大まかにお伝えします」と言うように、「where」以下の部分を先に訳すかもしれませんが、ここでは順送り訳方式で、「大体どういった分野で・・・考えをお伝えします」のように「those areas」を先に訳しています。)

It starts with making the global economy work better for all people and not just for those at the top. While open markets, capitalism have raised standards of living around the globe, globalization combined with rapid progress and technology has also weakened the position of workers and their ability to secure a decent wage. In advanced economies like my own, unions have been undermined, and many manufacturing jobs have disappeared. Often, those who benefit most from globalization have used their political power to further undermine the position of workers.


In developing countries, labor organizations have often been suppressed, and the growth of the middle class has been held back by corruption and underinvestment. Mercantilist policies pursued by governments with export-driven models threaten to undermine the consensus that underpins global trade. And meanwhile, global capital is too often unaccountable — nearly 8 trillion dollars stashed away in tax havens, a shadow banking system that grows beyond the reach of effective oversight.


A world in which one percent of humanity controls as much wealth as the other 99 percent will never be stable. I understand that the gaps between rich and poor are not new, but just as the child in a slum today can see the skyscraper nearby, technology now allows any person with a smartphone to see how the most privileged among us live and the contrast between their own lives and others. Expectations rise, then, faster than governments can deliver, and a pervasive sense of injustice undermine people’s faith in the system.


So how do we fix this imbalance? We cannot unwind integration any more than we can stuff technology back into a box. Nor can we look to failed models of the past. If we start resorting to trade wars, market distorting subsidies, beggar thy neighbor policies, an overreliance on natural resources instead of innovation — these approaches will make us poorer, collectively, and they are more like to lead to conflict. And the stark contrast between, say, the success of the Republic of Korea and the wasteland of North Korea shows that central, planned control of the economy is a dead end.


(註 — 1.「We cannot unwind integration any more than we can stuff technology back into a box」という文は、「any more than」が見えてきた時点で、まず「統合を解消することはできません」と訳出し、残りの部分は「それは~と同様です」と処理しています。2.「beggar-thy-neighbor policy」は、「近隣窮乏化政策(きんりんきゅうぼうかせいさく)」という定訳があります。3.「If we start resorting to trade wars, market distorting subsidies, beggar thy neighbor policies, an overreliance on natural resources instead of innovation」は、「If we start resorting to trade wars」までを「もし貿易戦争に訴え」と訳出しています。その間に、次の部分が視界に入ってくるので、どのようにこの文がこの後展開するのかを考えつつ「市場をゆがめる補助金」云々と訳を続けていきます。「these approaches will make us poorer」が見てて来たら、条件節は終わったということが分かります。4.主節の原文は主語が「these approaches」であり、「these approaches will make us poorer, collectively」を直訳すると「こうしたアプローチは私たちを全体として貧しくする」のようになりますが、それよりも「~したりすると、私たちは全体として貧しくなる」と言うほうが日本語としては自然なような気がします。)

But I do believe there’s another path — one that fuels growth and innovation, and offers the clearest route to individual opportunity and national success. It does not require succumbing to a soulless capitalism that benefits only the few, but rather recognizes that economies are more successful when we close the gap between rich and poor, and growth is broadly based. And that means respecting the rights of workers so they can organize into independent unions and earn a living wage. It means investing in our people — their skills, their education, their capacity to take an idea and turn it into a business. It means strengthening the safety net that protects our people from hardship and allows them to take more risks — to look for a new job, or start a new venture.


(註 — 1.「…rather recognizes that economies are more successful when」の部分は、「when」が見えてきた時点で、まず「recognizes」という言葉の表す意味の一部を「基本的な考え方として」と訳出しています。そして文末の「growth is broadly based」まで視点が来たら、「という認識に基づきます」と結んでいます。このように、原文の中の一つの動詞を、必ずしも一つ動詞で和訳する必要はありません。2.「It means strengthening the safety net that protects our people from hardship and allows them to take more risks」の部分も、順送り訳方式で、まず「safety net」までを訳出しています。関係節を含む文は難しいですが可能な限り頭ごなしに訳します。3.次の「allows them to take more risks — to look for a new job, or start a new venture」の部分でも、「to 不定詞句」を可能な限り順送り訳です。4.「take more risks」については、「risks」を「リスク」と訳した場合、「take」をどう和訳するかが大切です。)

These are the policies that I’ve pursued here in the United States, and with clear results. American businesses have created now 15 million new jobs. After the recession, the top one percent of Americans were capturing more than 90 percent of income growth. But today, that’s down to about half. Last year, poverty in this country fell at the fastest rate in nearly 50 years. And with further investment in infrastructure and early childhood education and basic research, I’m confident that such progress will continue.

これらは私が米国で進めてきた政策であり、明確な成果を上げています。米国企業はこれまでに、1,500 万の新規雇用を創出しています。景気後退後、米国の上位 1% の人々が所得増加の 90% 以上を占めていました。しかし現在、その割合は半分程度にまで減少しました。昨年、この国の貧困率の低下幅は過去 50 年近くで最も大きくなりました。インフラ、幼児教育、基礎研究へのさらなる投資により、このような進歩は今後も続くと確信しています。

(註 — 「Last year, poverty in this country fell at the fastest rate in nearly 50 years」という文は、直訳すると「昨年、この国の貧困率は過去 50 年近くで最も速いペースで減少しました」のようになるかもしれません。しかし、日本語では、貧困率が低下あるいは減少する速度の話をするよりも、むしろ、貧困率がどの程度下がったのかということ、つまり低下幅や減少幅に言及することが多いと思います。昨年の貧困率の低下速度が速かったということは、つまり、貧困率の低下幅が大きかったという意味です。)

So just as I’ve pursued these measures here at home, so has the United States worked with many nations to curb the excesses of capitalism — not to punish wealth, but to prevent repeated crises that can destroy it. That’s why we’ve worked with other nations to create higher and clearer standards for banking and taxation — because a society that asks less of oligarchs than ordinary citizens will rot from within. That’s why we’ve pushed for transparency and cooperation in rooting out corruption, and tracking illicit dollars, because markets create more jobs when they’re fueled by hard work, and not the capacity to extort a bribe. That’s why we’ve worked to reach trade agreements that raise labor standards and raise environmental standards, as we’ve done with the Trans-Pacific Partnership, so that the benefits are more broadly shared.


(註 — 1.「oligarchs」は「オリガルヒ」、「寡頭権力者」、「寡頭政治家」などと訳されます。実際の通訳をするときは、通訳を聞くクライアントの最も分かりやすい表現を使えばいいと思います。2.「asks less of oligarchs than ordinary citizens」は直訳すると「寡頭権力者よりも一般市民に対して少ない要求をする」のようになるかと思いますが、日本語表現としては「少ない要求をする」というのはやや不自然ですので、比較している寡頭権力者と一般市民を逆にして「多くを求める」と訳しています。3.「markets create more jobs when they’re fueled by hard work, and not the capacity to extort a bribe」の部分は「when」で始まる従属節が後半にありますが、「~のは」という表現を用いて順送り訳をしています。4.原文の最後の一文は、サイトラ訳例では順送り訳方式で2つの文になっています。)

And just as we benefit by combating inequality within our countries, I believe advanced economies still need to do more to close the gap between rich and poor nations around the globe. This is difficult politically. It’s difficult to spend on foreign assistance. But I do not believe this is charity. For the small fraction of what we spent at war in Iraq we could support institutions so that fragile states don’t collapse in the first place, and invest in emerging economies that become markets for our goods. It’s not just the right thing to do, it’s the smart thing to do.


(註 — 「advanced economies still need to do more to close the gap between」の部分でも「to 不定詞句」を順送り訳で処理しています。)

And that’s why we need to follow through on our efforts to combat climate change. If we don’t act boldly, the bill that could come due will be mass migrations, and cities submerged and nations displaced, and food supplies decimated, and conflicts born of despair. The Paris Agreement gives us a framework to act, but only if we scale up our ambition. And there must be a sense of urgency about bringing the agreement into force, and helping poorer countries leapfrog destructive forms of energy.


(註 — 1.「the bill that could come due」は「will be mass migrations」という文言が視界に入ってきた時点で、「そのツケは」と訳出可能でしょう。2.「but only if we scale up our ambition」の「only if」が示す「条件」という意味は「大前提」という言葉で表しています。3.「there must be a sense of urgency」は通常は、例えば、「切迫感が必要です」のような訳をするかと思います。しかし、ここでは、そのあと「about bringing the agreement into force…」とつながっていくということが分かった時点で、「切迫感を持って」のように副詞的に訳しています。)

So, for the wealthiest countries, a Green Climate Fund should only be the beginning. We need to invest in research and provide market incentives to develop new technologies, and then make these technologies accessible and affordable for poorer countries. And only then can we continue lifting all people up from poverty without condemning our children to a planet beyond their capacity to repair.


So we need new models for the global marketplace, models that are inclusive and sustainable. And in the same way, we need models of governance that are inclusive and accountable to ordinary people.





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