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英語のニュースを読むコツ(13)頻出表現:「in (a move) . . .」



英語のニュース記事では、よく使われる表現があります。そういった表現の意味や役割を分かっておくと、ニュース記事が読みやすくなります。今回注目する表現は、「in (a move) …」です。


in (a move) … 」という表現は、記事で報じている出来事の意味合い意義等を伝えるために使われます。何か新しい展開や出来事について報じる場合、ジャーナリストは、そういった出来事がもたらす影響であるとか、その出来事の背後にある意図であるとかを可能な限り伝えようとします。ただ単に、「何が起きたのか」だけではなく、その起きたことが「どういう意味を持つのか」を知ることが、より深い理解につながるからです。

括弧を付けた (a move) の部分には、「a move」以外にも、「in another move」ですとか「in a surprise move」や「in a rare moveなど様々な表現が使われますし、「move」以外の別の名詞も使われます。頻繁に見られるものをいくつかあげますと、「sign」、「effort」、「attempt」、「show」、「blow」、「push」、「twist」、「rebuke」、「indication」、「escalation」等です。



In a move

Morrisons is planning to close its Bradford fruit packing plant in a move that places 456 jobs at risk. (Yorkshire Post)


In a move likely to anger China, the State Department has approved arms sales to Taiwan worth a total of $1.4 billion, the first such deal with the island since President Donald Trump took office. (NBC News)


Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, in a surprise move, announced he will not run in the upcoming party leadership vote in September, paving the way for Japan to have a new prime minister. (NBC News)

日本の岸田文雄首相は9月に予定されている総裁選挙に立候補しないことを発表するという驚きの行動をとり、日本に新しい首相が誕生することになった。 (NBCニュース)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has dissolved the six-member war Cabinet, an Israeli official said Monday, in a widely expected move. (NBC News)


Manchester United are considering recruiting a new first-choice goalkeeper this summer in a move that places a question mark over the futures of both David De Gea and Dean Henderson at the English Premier League club. (Daily Record)


In a move that underlines the challenges facing Europe’s top legacy carmakers, Volkswagen warned on Monday that it would no longer be able to rule out plant closures in Germany. (NBC News)


In a sign

Lebanon’s oldest English-language newspaper, The Daily Star, has closed down, in a further sign of the country’s deepening economic crisis. (BBC News)


In another sign of the slowing economy, Cohn & Wolfe in New York, a public relations unit of Young & Rubicam, laid off 30 employees yesterday, about 8.6 percent of its American staff of more than 350. (New York Times)


The United States halted a large shipment of offensive weapons to Israel last week in a sign of its growing concern over a possible military offensive on Rafah, senior administration officials told NBC News. (NBC News)


Long-time frenemies David Cameron and Boris Johnson met up for dinner in New York in a sign they have put their differences behind them. (Belfast Telegraph)


In a sign Republicans are concerned about Democrats’ fundraising, Vance vowed to press his mentor to donate to Trump’s campaign — despite Thiel vowing he wouldn’t. (NBC News)


In an effort

Macron will also be visiting with congressional leaders from both parties in a further effort to impress on Washington the dangers of a potential trade war. (NBC News)


In a further effort to shore up the position of European countries if conflict breaks out, White House spokesperson Jen Psaki said Tuesday that the Biden administration was in talks with major energy-producing countries and companies around the world over a potential diversion of supplies to Europe. (NBC News)


Datacentres in the UK are to be designated as critical national infrastructure in an effort to protect them from cyber-attacks and IT blackouts, the government has said. (The Guardian)


A kerbside battery recycling scheme has been launched in an effort to reduce the risk of fires in bin lorries. (BBC News)


In an attempt

Police caught up with the pair less than 24 hours later, busting into a Yonkers home where the young alleged triggerman was “hiding behind a wardrobe in a further attempt to evade police,” authorities have said. (New York Post)


Netflix is to spend $500m (£400m) on new British content in 2020, in a further attempt to see off competition from looming streaming services Disney+ and Apple TV. (Independent)

Netflixは、迫りくるストリーミングサービス「Disney+」や「Apple TV」との競争に打ち勝つためのさらなる試みとして、2020年に英国の新コンテンツに5億ドル(4億ポンド)を費やす予定だ。(インディペンデント)

Trump and his allies filed dozens of unsuccessful cases after the 2020 election in an attempt to overturn the results. (NBC News)


In a blow

Japan’s medium-lift H3 rocket failed in March following an aborted launch the month before, in a blow to its efforts to cut the cost of accessing space and compete against Elon Musk’s SpaceX. (Reuters)


In a blow for anti-abortion advocates, the Supreme Court on Thursday rejected a challenge to the abortion pill mifepristone, meaning the commonly used drug can remain widely available. (NBC News)


In a blow to Fulton County D.A. Fani Willis, Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee has tossed out three counts against former President Donald Trump in the Georgia election interference case. (NBC News)


In a show of

Before she [Vice President Harris] heads to the Romanian capital, Bucharest, on Friday, she plans to spend time with U.S. and Polish soldiers in a further show of support for the NATO alliance. (NBC News)


With just 10 weeks until Election Day, Democrats rally behind their new nominee in a show of party unity after President Biden’s exit from the race. (NBC News)


The US Secret Service swarmed on top of Trump before he got to his feet in a show of defiance that was captured in a photo seen all over the world. (Mail Online)


In a push

Kamala Harris and running mate Tim Walz toured the southeastern part of the battleground state in a push to keep Georgia blue in November. (NBC News)


In a further push to recruit workers, Amazon has been encouraging its network of contracted delivery firms to prominently advertise they don’t screen for marijuana use, according to Bloomberg. (NBC News)


In a push to make the organization more inclusive the Boy Scouts of America changed their name to Scouting America. (NBC News)

ボーイスカウトアメリカ連盟は、組織をより包括的なものにするために、名称をスカウティング・アメリカに変更した。(NBC ニュース)

In a twist

And in a further twist, Trump’s efforts to dismiss and delay Carroll’s first lawsuit backfired too. (NBC News)


Nvidia was once known for making graphics cards for computer games. But in a somewhat fortuitous twist, these cards happen to be perfect for handling the computing load AI requires to perform its tasks. (NBC News)

Nvidia はかつて、コンピューター ゲーム用のグラフィック カードの製造で知られていた。幸運なことに、これらのカードは AI がタスクを実行するために必要な計算負荷を処理するのに最適なのだ。

But in a stunning twist on Friday, Baldwin’s criminal trial was dismissed after the New Mexico judge overseeing the case ruled that the prosecution did not disclose evidence related to the fatal shooting. (NBC News)


In an indication

In a further indication that the Zaporizhzhia attack represented a significant new push, it appeared Ukraine for the first time had committed new Western-supplied tanks as part of a heavily armored assault. (NBC News)


New cases of Covid-19 have continued to drop in New Zealand, in a promising early indication that the country’s strict lockdown is working and its latest outbreak may be coming under control. (Guardian)


Wage growth was less than expected in an indication that inflation pressures could be weakening. (NBC News)


In a rebuke

In a further rebuke, the U.N. Security Council last month adopted its first resolution on Myanmar in 74 years, demanding an end to violence and for the junta to free all political detainees. (NBC News)


In a rebuke against right-wing members of his own coalition government, Israel’s prime minister has said his country has no plans to occupy Gaza and replace its Palestinian population. (NBC News)


In an escalation

In a further escalation just hours after the launches, Pyongyang flew 12 warplanes in formation near the inter-Korean air boundary at around 2 p.m. local time (1 a.m. ET), according to the South Korean military. (Reuters)


Street battles are being fought by Sudan’s rival forces in the capital, Khartoum, in an escalation of violence despite calls for a ceasefire to mark the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Fitr. (BBC News)


Workers at jobcentres and benefit offices are to take 20 days of strike action in an escalation of the bitter dispute over the pay, jobs and conditions of civil servants. (Independent)



今回は、ニュース記事で報じる出来事の意味合い・意義等を伝えるために使われる「in (a move) …」という表現に注目しました。括弧の部分に使われる名詞としては、「sign」、「effort」、「show」、「blow」、「push」、「twist」、「indication」なども用例を通じて見てきました。


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