And things like that — 意味・使い方
日本語で物事を羅列するときに全部言うのではなく、途中で「~など」や「~とか」と言ったりします。今回の表現「and things like that」は、その英語版です。くだけた言い方で、日常会話では頻度の高い表現です。
このブログで以前に取り上げた「etc.」とか「and so on」や「and so forth」も同じような意味です。
では、「and things like that」の用例を見ていきましょう。
I love spending my weekends hiking, camping, and things like that.
My aunt has a carer who takes her out two days a week going shopping and things like that.
I think you’d better focus on more important things, like your job and your family, and things like that.
He’s a big fan of sports, especially baseball, soccer, and things like that.
I’m not really a morning person, but I can handle a few early meetings and things like that.
He’s always been interested in art, music, and things like that.
This morning, I went to the grocery store and bought some fruits, vegetables, and things like that.
At yesterday’s meeting, we discussed new projects, budgets, and things like that.
And things
今回の「and things like that」という表現は、最後の「like that」が省略される場合もあります。
I’ve been busy doing laundry and things.
I think my kids spends too much time playing games and things.
And stuff like that
また「and things like that」と同じ意味を表す表現として「and stuff like that」も頻繁に使われます。
I usually listen to the news on my phone while cooking, washing the dishes, and stuff like that.
My son’s always been interested in science, technology, and stuff like that.
I love going to the beach, sunbathing, and stuff like that.
We spent the afternoon cleaning the house, doing laundry, and stuff like that.
My son enjoys watching movies, playing video games, and stuff like that on weekends.
I need to go shopping for school supplies, notebooks, pens, and stuff like that.
They talked about their plans for the trip, places to visit, and stuff like that.
今日の表現「and things like that」そして「and stuff like that」は、日本語の「~など」や「~とか」に相当する、大変便利で頻度の高い表現です。日常会話で、ぜひ、使ってみましょう。
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また、英語の電話表現も含めて、ビジネス英語全般に関するおすすめ教材については、こちら ⇩ をご覧ください。