Things — 意味・使い方
例えば、一緒にキャンプに行く友人に荷物の準備が整ったか確かめる時に「Have you packed your things yet?」(自分の荷物はもう詰めた?)と尋ねるかもしれません。この用例では「所有物、所持品、身の回り品」という意味で「things」を使っています。また、同じ状況で「Are we taking these cooking things?」(この調理器具も持っていくの?)と言うかもしれません。この用例の「things」は「特定の目的に使用されるもの・物品」という意味です。
I can’t find my things — did you move them?
The children’s things are scattered all over the room.
Make sure you take all your things with you when you leave the hotel.
She has so many things in her closet, she can never decide what to wear.
The movers carefully wrapped all of my things to avoid any damage.
These are my things, so please don’t touch them without asking.
I need to go through my things and donate what I no longer use.
Would you mind watching my things while I go to the restroom?
She left all her things in his apartment.
He was always misplacing his things.
The firefighters helped the residents retrieve their things.
He had a lot of outdoor things — like camping gear and hiking boots — spread out in the garage.
Before we left for our camping trip, we made a list of all the essential camping things we needed to bring.
The kids were excited to help unpack all the camping things from the car.
Could you please put the dinner things in the dishwasher?
I’ll put away the breakfast things, and then we can go for a walk.
I’ll get some gardening things from the tool shed.
Let’s put away the gardening things before the rain starts.
I need to go to the store to buy some new cooking things.
The kitchen drawers are full of cooking things.
I need to grab some cleaning things from the store before I start scrubbing the bathroom.
He set out all the cleaning things — sponges, sprays, and a mop — before tackling the messy kitchen.
His desk was cluttered with writing things — pens, pencils, notebooks — and even a half-eaten apple.
The teacher reminded the new students to bring their writing things to class tomorrow.
The fabric store had a wide selection of sewing things, from needles and thread to patterns and buttons.
My grandmother always keeps her sewing things neatly organized in a special box.
She spent the afternoon sorting through her fishing things, getting ready for the weekend trip.
I had to borrow some fishing things from my cousin, since I forgot to bring my own gear.
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